Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Our Itinerary is Here!

A month in the Netherlands examining urban regional planning is pretty jammed pack. We have our itinerary in hands. It is 95% complete. When I first printed it off I realized I didn't know what all we were doing because most of it is written in Dutch. Many of the places we will visit do not have an English translation....which is part of the cultural experience.

Some of the programs we will participate in:
-Excursion Park "De Graven"
-Excursion Polder Roer and Overmass ("governments" below sea-level who work together despite differences)
- Solland Solar at Avantis Heerleen (manufacturer of solar cells)
- Energy storage by using old mining facility in Heerlen
- Water Management in Nature Reserve "Terworm" Heerleen
- 6 different road/highway projects
- Reconstruction of country land in Beekjes project
- Water purification plant
- Delta works
- New developments in Amsterdam
- 3 co-operations between cities and regions

There will be ample opportunity to visit restoration areas, alternative energy projects/businesses, sea level rise adaptation practices and natural linkages. Besides the actual visits to the sites, I will be living with 4 different host families. This affords me the opportunity to talk with them candidly about growth, environmental protection, climate change and alternative energy sources.

Tot Ziens, Sarah

1 comment:

  1. Im reading your blog! Have fun. Love You!
